URBAN CREATURES26 April 2022 Considering all the items, species and areas databased, it would be nice to have something rounding those things together. This was where villages came in.
A comparably late addition compared to most of the main features mentioned in the last article, villages are themed locations with their own exclusive shops, items and species, each locked to a specific version:
Every village shares amenities: shops for items, eateries for uh, eating, parks for meeting villagers and NPCs, hubs for quests and hunting grounds.
The names are mostly just fluff, but it'd certainly make the in-game world feel less clinical. That and NPCs. More will be elaborated on next time.
Originally there were only 100 locations drafted out and ID'd, with every village and their establishments taking up spaces after that. Names were even drafted for most of 'em, too, but that was cut down to make for another hundred more locations to hit 200.
Not that all of them were going to be implemented immediately.
Ho hum.