RED, BLUE AND YOU23 March 2022 All the famous virtual pets (read: just Tamagotchi and Digimon) love to have version exclusives of some sort, and Recut is no exception.
'Course, there's no good reason for this sort of thing besides socialisation and platform capability. With the engine Recut is built on, there's next to nothing major that would need to be cut out on other platforms, so that just leaves socialisation bonus.
Anyhow, as the title implies, there's two main versions: Red and Blue. The colour coded combo, we all know it well.
You get the choice of either as you create a new save, but you can't legitimately change this later on.
Each version has its own exclusive species, locations and shell skins, 'cept unlike your average virtual pet, You don't miss out on too much at first with one of these versions - aside from shell skins, everything else is eventually unlockable. It's just a matter of which species are easier to encounter or how long it takes to unlock an area, though some species and locations have no version bias at all and thus are available from the get-go for everyone.
With that whole socialisation bonus schtick, what I want to do here is to have a feature where linking with someone playing on the opposing version unlocks version exclusive content like said shell skins and locations, on top of increasing the likelihood of meeting species of opposing versions.
It's gonna be functional.