LOGISTICS STATISTICS12 April 2022 One thing that had to change for Recut was how battling stats and weaknesses should be handled. All the original had to work with was the type weakness and the HP value for who won out in a battle.
First thing is the stats themselves. This time around there's HP, Attack, Defence and Speed. 'Course, Speed is a somewhat tricky stat to handle with a battle system like your average Digimon vpet. It'll decide who gets the first move, obviously, but whether or not it should affect accuracy and or evasion is its own little conundrum.
Anyway, since evolution is still going to be a thing, I intend to have stats of species in the same evolutionary stages similar to each other, but higher stages are in a tier of their own.
Now for a spoiler of sorts: working off the 3 stages from the original, Stage 1 species has base stat totals ranging from 5 to 8, Stage 2 with 17 to 32 and Stage 3 capping off from 40 to 64.
Of course, there will be a whole bunch of stronger species coming, not that all of them are (intended to be) playable.
Second is weaknesses. These are sticking around of course, but now there's resistances too. On top of 10 elemental types, there's now more generic types - Stab, Edge, Blunt and Blast. Nearly everyone has a weakness to and resists both a generic attack type and an elemental type, so even if a species of your choice doesn't have the elemental advantage, you can still get a super effective or neutral hit with one of the 5 attacks a Reverian could have.
There's a lot more variables that could have an effect in battles including Size and Savagery, but those will be elaborated on in the next article.