17 April 2022

One thing that's eating a little too much of the development time is the size of the planned roster, jumping from Riftcast's (25 out of) 36 to 220, and the former had at least 5 times less variables for each species. Mind, a few of those 220 species are clones, and not all of them are planned to be implemented on release, but still.


Anyway, apart from base stats, there are a lot of variables that makes a Reverian. A few of these are subject to change, but all the important ones are settled on. Here's a few fairly important variables and their descriptions.


Variable Description
IQ Base intelligence of a species - Slow (1) to Smart (5)
Pitch Tolerance of a species - Patient (1) to Irritable (5)
Moxie Alertness of a species - Passive (1) to Curious (5)
Savagery Brutality of a species - Mild (1) to Barbaric (5)
Compliance Obedience of a species - Unruly (1) to Loyal (5)
Comradery Socialness of a species - Solitary (1) to Communal (5)
Hunger/Energy Decay How much the Hunger/Energy stat decreases every decay interval
Handling Dexterity of a species - Some can't use held items (0), others have difficulty doing so (1), and others can grasp and use items simultaneously (2)
Dimorphism Males/females of a species may be stronger or weaker than their opposites - Female Blighters and Troopers are more likely to be stronger than the males (-1), and the opposite is true for male Chasers and Hawkers (1)
Size Height class of a species - This isn't really expressed in-game for obvious reasons, especially with Weight not being carried over from the original
(Active) Lifespan Amount of in-game days (ActiveLifespan) or years (Lifespan) a species may live - there are 256 days in a year in Recut
Diet Species can be omnivorous, carnivorous or herbivorous
Personality Fallback personality trait (out of a possible 30)
Quirk A species' favorite hobby - not everyone has a quirk, however


There's a lot of words here that don't mean much as of yet, including some variables that don't sound particularly useful in your average vpet.


Eventually the Roster page will be updated to have a whole lot more information to work with, but until then, here's a page with a print out of most mons' variables.